À la carte services

This service line enables you to choose from Game of Jobs pallet of pre-defined subjects that we’ll focus on during our in person or on-line meetings. Bon appetit 🍤
If you’re not sure which subjects or exact challenge(s) would you like to discuss during individual consultations, à la carte services could be a solution for you. Have you ever been in a restaurant in which all food options are laid out in a buffet-style and you were not able to exactly choose what to try or not based on too many options? You rather prefer to ask a chef to prepare special dish freshly for you? Using the similar logic, à la carte services enable you to choose from Game of Jobs pallet of pre-defined subjects that we’ll focus on during our in person or on-line meetings.

So, our “menu” consists of following à la carte services, together with list of topics to be addressed during each session:

CV, motivation letter and Linkedin profile consulting
680 €, variable duration

This holistic cooperation includes key elements that are needed to impress future employers and maximize chances to seize opportunities on the market. During this cooperation we will focus on:

🛠 reviewing of your existing CV, motivation letter and Linkedin profile where I will give you exact advice what to correct in all 3 cases (or I will show you tool for building your CV and motivation letter in case you don't have them yet). Please keep in mind I don't write CV/motivation letter or fill out Linkedin profile for you as a part of this service. After intro call you will send me your version of all 3 elements, where I will within 2 working days at maximum (within same day in most cases) get back to you with clear instructions what to further upgrade in each case. During our cooperation we can repeat this process as many times as needed, until we end up with adequate CV , motivation letter and Linkedin profile for you. Exact duration of cooperation depends how fast you will implements received guidelines

🔧 if you don't have LinkedIn profile I show you how to open it, fill out all key sections with optimized content and use its networking potential

🕸 by optimizing your Linkedin profile you will impress future employers, significantly increase number of received cooperation requests and connections with business community

💎we'll use internal guidebook with exact advice what to include and avoid while building a CV and motivation letter

Please note it is possible to arrange a separate review of your CV (€225) and a combined review of both your CV and cover letter (€390).

Linkedin profile optimization
(duration and price depend if you choose option A or B ⬇)

Today you shall think of a Linkedin profile as your personal business card. If optimized it shall help you to: 

🧲 attract attention of Recruiters/Hiring Managers and get you interview invitation for potentially better job ➡ in case of passive job seekers 

🧲 Help you during the selection process to paint additional picture about your competencies (on top of your CV), which shall help you get invitation to interview for a job you applied for ➡ in case of active job seekers. 

📈 attract potential target audience and help you convert them into clients for your business ➡ in case of business owners 


2 options how I help you optimize primarily your individual Linkedin profile (or company profile as well): 

Option A that "saves you money" - Linkedin audit so you can optimize profile based on my advice

 I give you audit of your current profile, highlighting all areas that need improvements, exact advice how to do it and examples of how it was done with other clients. You implement changes yourself, send me for another review and I provide another set of advice what is still left to upgrade. We can repeat this process as many times as needed, until we reach a final version of optimal profile. 

Audit service also includes ~1,5 hour video material, where I guide you step-by-step through all profile sections and show you how to do upgrades yourself. Separate video materials are available for: active and passive job seekers, as well as entrepreneurs.  

Price depends of amount of time I need to invest in your profile (average fee clients pay is ~520 € per individual profile).

Here are few examples of client profiles I can share, who upgraded their profiles themselves using option A: 

Nikolina, Danijela

Option B that "saves you time" - let me optimize a profile for you

Here I prepare, authorize and implement all needed improvements on your profile on your behalf. Your only duty is to provide me with your CV, answer few questions in a short questionnaire and authorize the changes. And enjoy enjoy the view 😀  

Price depends of amount of time I need to invest in your profile (average fee clients pay in this case is ~860 € per individual profile).

Here are few examples of client profiles I can share, where I had a privilege to upgrade their profiles: 

Maja, Filip, Iva, Larisa, Marko 

Job interview preparations
120 minutes, 250 €

Here we’re looking at your career choice based on exact position and are covering most frequently used questions (and adequate answers) during standard or competency based interview. In particular, we will:

🥇prepare you for the upcoming or existing selection process and help you realize your own worth

🎡 introduce you with common selection stages and how to successfully pass through each of them

uncover the interview structure and prepare exact answers to most common questions, including the “tricky” ones

🏆 prepare you how to handle effectively in person or on-line interview

🗣 use "role play" exercise and simulate a real interview. Upon completion, I provide feedback on specific areas that need to be improved.

go through the exact lists of tasks you have to do day before/on the day/day after the interview

💎 prepare personalized follow-up letter that will additionally impress the employer and further increase your chances to receive invitation to next selection stage quickly

Know yourself, your in-born preferences and leaders/entrepreneurial or managerial potential
120 minutes + 45 min follow up, 310 €

Here is the detailed plan for this session:

🧠 original Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) questionnaire that identifies your in-born personality traits, including strong points and areas for further growth

📄 original questionnaire with 93 questions in English, assistance with filling it out if needed

📑 detailed 18 pages report with your MBTI® type that can be included in your CV, highlighting basic and supporting characteristics, your values and motivators, communication style and work environment that you prefer, desired learning style, how to adapt your communication to others different from you, your decision making style and suggestions for dealing with change and stress + discover which profession is best suited for your personality type

✔ 30 minutes follow up meeting to go through details of your MBTI® report and properly interpret results.

💪 by using official questionnaire distributed also at INCAE Business School discover your leadership potential and risk preference - see if you're more inclined towards a role of a typical entrepreneur or corporate manager. Based on 6 pager report we conclude if you currently prefer corporate environment or you’re a born entrepreneur

🏡 we discover your “genius zone” - identify area which motivates you the most and that should be your profession

👐 connecting MBTI® results with your "genius zone" in order to define optimal career for you

✔ 45 minutes follow up meeting to go through details of your MBTI® and leadership/entrepreneurial or managerial potential report and properly interpret results. Example of MBTI® report is available here, while example of other report is available here.

Please note MBTI® testing and 30 minutes follow up can be purchased also separately (130 €).

Discover your IKIGAI and “genius zone”
75 minutes, 160 €

🎯 Ikiagi is ancient Japanese concept of self-discovery during which person realizes his/her purpose and existence reasons. We use those proven concepts to identify your “sweet spot” – profession that meets all criteria to be called “your dream job”.

🌟 "Genius zone" is one of 4 zones that all of us can be in and which were firstly described by G. Hendricks in his "Big Leap" book. “Genius zone” is stage to which we shall gravitate in order to reach our optimal career. Being in this zone fills us with joy, energy and higher purpose.

🤔 Those two techniques are great tools for all of you who are still not sure what shall your desired career path be and are still searching for a professional which will fulfill you entirely.

😇 We will use this session to pin point your desired profession so you can start your journey towards finally achieving the career you want and deserve.

Salary negotiation strategy
90 minutes, 190 €

During this session you’ll learn how to negotiate like a real pro, even during most challenging conversations. Many candidates fear this crucial part of the selection process, or at least fear some level of discomfort when it comes to negotiating salary. And in case you’re secure in your worth and performed admirably in other selection stages, it shouldn’t be like this. Learn how to negotiate and receive maximal offer in your particular case.

💭 we learn how to estimate your monetary value on the market and make you be aware of it

💯we’ll pass through best salary negotiation practices, including what should and should not be said during negotiation process in order to achieve best possible salary for you

🗣 learn how to negotiate in person and/or in e-mail correspondence

💲 consultations based on exact offer and agreement on negotiations tactics

Stress management strategy
45 minutes, 100 €

🩺 (re)examining connection between your physical-emotional health and stress and identify sources of stress in your case

💪 working on your emotional toughness in order to cope with fast changes, exploring ways and techniques that will help you deal with stress more adequately

we’ll learn techniques how to (better) prioritize your tasks, as well as handle tough persons and situations

🎈 we’ll emphasize the importance of optimism and adequate techniques which will help you in your everyday professional and private life

📈 we’ll create your personal action plan to help you reduce stress, increase overall quality of life and stimulate personal growth

Transfer of best practices for Talent Acquisition specialists
200 minutes, 340 € (15 minutes break included)

You already have admirable TA experience, but look to explore best global practices in order to save time and reach out to top candidates on today’s competitive market even more efficiently? With my long lasting experience in TA domain (mainly within IT, but also other industries), as well as experience working as internal trainer for best TA and sourcing practices within GlobalLogic, I’m confident I’m able to assist you. Keep in mind that more than 120 TA experts from Croatia, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, India and Argentina participated in my TA trainings, with average evaluation of 9.56/10. During this session we shall focus on:

📝 analyzing and understanding the "must-have" and "nice-to-have" skills for the specific position in your focus.

🎯 using Linkedin Recruiter and generating a search query for identifying target candidates based on Boolean logic and available functionalities

🕸 exploring other methods for enriching the pool of target candidates (e.g. company search via regular Linkedin, internal referrals, X-raying, search for candidates via other platforms like GitHub, Twitter, Stack Overflow, if applicable for your industry)

🗣 learning how to use numerous Linkedin plugins that shall increase your ability to identify and contact target candidates

💯 revision of existing communication to candidates (InMail and/or short message) /development of new messages in order to increase response rate of target candidates

💎 sharing of the best practices related to organization of interviews and other selection stages, focused on closing the given position(s) quickly and efficiently

🌍 sharing of best practices related to relocation of candidates from distant countries to Croatia – focus on efficient structuring of the selection process, legislative rules, as well as benefits for both company and candidates

For efficient transfer of all necessary knowledge, it is advisable for the client to have an active LinkedIn Recruiter license.

Strategy for solopreneurs to start their own business
200 minutes, 340 € (15 minutes break included)

In case you’re only step away from starting your own business, but still have some questions, would like to minimize risks and make a right choice(s), then this session might be beneficial for you. For this occasion we will focus on:

📊 understanding differences between different types of legal entities in Croatia and identifying which type of company best suits your wishes and needs

💰 exploring opportunity to receive subsidies that can serve you as additional business boost. If applicable, we can go through the best practices of writing a proper business plan you’ll need to write in case of applying for subsidies.

💎 revision of your existing business idea/model and, if needed, further upgrade your USP

🗣 sharing first hand advice related to starting your own business that can save your money, time and nerves 😊

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