CV / resume and motivation letter

Adequately prepared CV and/or motivation letter have an aim to point you out from other candidates and ensure you invitation to the next round of selection. 📑

You believe you prepared a good CV / resume and motivation letter, but all you keep receiving are generic thank you notes like “Thank you, but at the end we chose another candidate”. Global research says that on average only ~3% of applied candidates reach next round of the selection process. In other words, ~97% of them doesn’t have good enough CV and/or motivation letter.  

Adequately prepared CV and/or motivation letter have an aim to point you out from other candidates and  ensure you invitation to the next round of selection.

CV or resume or Curriculum Vitae is a basic document you will need in every selection process. Even if you’re headhunted by a Recruiter (and you will be, based on your great Linkedin profile 😊), at some point most probably you will be asked to submit your updated CV. So, it’s very important that it’s adequately created in order to ensure you invitation to the next selection round.

More details about how together we can prepare CV and/or motivation letter that shall unlock the doors of your future dream job you can read within this section of à la carte services.

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