Talent Acquisition services

Talent Acquisition services enable you to, with expert help, efficiently find key employees who shall quickly generate added value at desired work place 🎯

Talent Acquisition services, by using expert assistance, enable you to efficiently find key employees who will quickly generate added value for main role(s) within your organization.

Based on my 16-year recruitment career, I can most likely help you quickly find and hire key employees for your company.

Talent Acquisition service includes:

📑 Optimization of job descriptions and defining the overall "package" for the respective position.

🎯 Sourcing target candidates.

👋 Contacting target candidates.

🗣 Interviewing, pre-selecting and motivating interested candidates.

💎 Presenting 2-3 selected interested candidates with resumes and salary expectations.

Execution of Service and Payment

The client receives a progress report on the search and selection on a weekly basis, but the final decision on hiring depends on numerous factors beyond the control of the career advisor.

For this reason, the service is exclusively executed under a "retained" model (not a "success-based" model), meaning that payment is made in any case, regardless of whether the targeted candidate is ultimately hired or not.

Payment is made in one installment before the execution of the service. In exceptional cases, based on agreement payment can be done in two installments (the first installment after identifying the targeted candidates and the second installment after presenting shortlisted 2-3 candidates).

The fee for Talent Acquisition service is in general equal to 1 monthly gross salary for a selected mid or top level position (but not less than 4000 € in total). The final amount may be different depending on the complexity of the respective position and the corresponding number of total estimated working hours spent.

The duration of the selection process depends on business seasonality (lower candidate responsiveness during summer or New Year holidays) and the availability of the consultant leading the process, which is confirmed with the Client when the job is contracted.

We specify the details of the service execution during the initial live conversation.

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