Career Catapult

Catapult your career towards a dream job in up to 4 months without wasting unnecessary time & energy

Maximize your chances for getting a dream job in up to 4 months 

I don't want you to jump to any hasty conclusions. 
Rather, I want you to answer following questions for yourself first: 

💭 Have you ever tough what are you missing out if you're staying at a job which gives you stomach pain each morning?
💭 What is the price of sticking to job that doesn't fulfil your expectations (in developmental, health and/or financial terms)?
💭 How does your dream job look like? 
💭 What is currently preventing you to reach a dream job? 

What is a Career Catapult?

Career Catapult is a program created based on 16+ years of experience with a proven methodology that equips you will key skills needed for your career level up to happen. Successful work with 20+ job seeking clients from whole SEE region in my first year after creating Game of Jobs proves this.   

But, be careful. Career Catapult isn't a magic wand and I'm not a magician, simply your Career Strategist who shows my clients proven steps towards a dream career. My clients on mid & top level positions who implement learned actions on average find a better job in up to 4 months. 

Who will make it happen?

You! With my laser focused guidance.

After 16+ years in corporate world dealing with strategic HR topics (mainly Talent Acquisition & Employer branding), I'm well equipped and ready to help you reach your dream job. 

Before starting my own company, I've been contributing to growth of both small, regional and multinational companies. Today, I run Game of Jobs, work as a Business Development mentor for EU funded BOND2 project, as well as a lecturer at Plavi Ured and Mali Tehnopolis Samobor

As a Career Strategist I mainly work with mid & top managers from whole SEE region, who understand impact that right advice at the right time can have on their career. Most of my clients are currently employed but not fully satisfied with a current job. They are aware they deserve a better career, are ready to make an investment to learn the most efficient framework to achieve it.  

But remember, I'm just a change catalyst. True added value lies with you, who will implement exact proven steps described bellow.


The individual education sessions take place through online Zoom sessions or in person in my office in Samobor, based on mutually agreed times.
For each session, you are required to allocate 1-3.5 hours (depending on the module duration) for attending lectures. Additionally, you may need to set aside approximately 1 hour per week for additional practical tasks in between lectures.

Educational content

Here is the list of essential topics you need to master in order to maximize your chances of reaching a better career. Content will be covered during on-line Zoom sessions in the following order:
Module 1:  Winning mindset & CV optimization - discover your individual "genius zone" and adopt right mindset for positive change(s) to happen. Stand out in the job market by crafting a winning CV and secure an invitation to the next round of selection  process (sometimes even within 15 min after applying - record of my client 🙂) - 1.5 hours
Module 2:  Cover letter & open job application - impress future employers even more - 1 h 
Module 3:  LinkedIn profile optimization - upgrade your 'professional window' & make future employers rush to contact you - 1.5 h
Module 4:  Setting a stage for right job opportunities - spot/attract & proactively utilize top opportunities, as active or passive job seeker - 1 h
Module 5:  Selection interview - learn the structure of standard & competency-based interview. Learn how to answer even tricky questions & maximize your chances of nailing an interview - 1.5 h
Module 6:  Salary negotiation tactics - adopt best practices for securing the maximum offer for you. Learn win-win tactics (e.g. How to get a higher salary while allowing also the employer to save money?) - 1 h  
Module 7:  Strategic Linkedin outreach - proactively & authentically approach target individuals to increase your employment chances - 1.5 h
Module 8:  Personal brand & content creation strategy -  learn best practices for creating content on LinkedIn that results in the growth of your professional brand and help you reach your goal - 2.5 h 
Module 9:  Sum up of key highlights & individual action plan - 1 h

Who will benefit from Career Catapult?

Program is carefully designed to equip you with advanced tactics, as well as tips & tricks essential for finding a dream job and strengthening your professional brand. Still, you need follow the curriculum step-by-step, be ready to implement it proactively and consistently.  

Career Catapult IS for:

✅ employed mid & top manager who is actively looking to find better suited job

✅ employed person who passively seeks a more adequate job with better work-life balance

✅ one eager to further grow within current company faster and/or secure his/her "professional superstar status"

✅ one who sees it as an investment into his long term professional & personal prosperity

✅ one who’s fed up with “fighting with windmills” & is determined to change winds of career change in his/her favor

✅ optimistic person who always sees glass half full and aims to resolve current career challenges, even if this means getting out of a comfort zone when needed

✅ one who often asks him/herself what they can become & are ready to follow proven steps to reach new career heights

Program IS NOT for one who:

❌ believe luck is key factor for reaching a new job and is refusing to take a career wheel in their own hands

❌ is not ready to leave his safety-net & take calculated steps outside of his/her comfort zone

❌ prefers to constantly blame the world & sees glass half empty

❌ sees only price as a key factor in making buying decisions

❌ one who is 100 % satisfied with his current job & plans to retire directly after it

❌ one who's ego is out of control & who is not able to listen what shall be changed for his/her own good 

Job seeking clients about working with me

Career Catapult by Game of Jobs - client references

Most common Q&As 

Is there a guarantee that I'll find a dream job in up to 4 months?

As a true Career Strategist I will never give you false promises. 4 months is the average time my clients on top management level find a better job, after we start working together. For mid management level clients, average is ~3 months. 

In case I think I can help you, I'll will give my absolute best to help you achieve planned goal(s), but responsibility for achieving this goal is fully yours. Reason for this is very simple. For example, if your aim is to find a new job, realization of this goal depends on various factors, many of which are simply our of your or mine control. Some of those factors are:

🌍 macroeconomic situation in Croatia, surrounding countries or globally

👀 qualities of other candidates on the job market competing for the same role

💨 organization’s decision to withdraw the need for vacancy fulfillment or change its propositions

🔋 your physical or mental health during the selection process

⌚ availability of all stakeholders involved in all selection stages

🔌 technical and/or logistical challenges

😇 Vis major

Due to this and similar reasons, as a Career Strategist I can not accept individual and legal responsibility for final realization of your goal(s), but I can teach you all you need to know to maximize your chances for getting a better job.

Any limitations who can join Career Catapult?

Anyone eager to find a dream job and learn what it takes to strategically guide your career is eager to join the program. Phone screening will be conducted with all candidates who apply in order to confirm their eligibility and right motivation for the program. Unemployed persons are also eligible to attend.

Can I pay in installments?

General rule is that payment is transferred at once before the start of the program. In exceptional cases payment in 2 installments can be agreed upon (1st installment before the start and 2nd at the middle of the program).

What is the process after I sign up to join the program?

I'll give you a call first and share a BIG thank you for your trust. Will then discuss all needed details and I'll send you invoice to cover the payment. After payment is received, you'll get Zoom calls invitations and access details. Materials will be provided prior to each module to go through them and additional exercises will be distributed in between modules.    

Why can't I pay directly on the website with my card?

Direct internet payments are planned to be implemented in the future. For now, there was simply not enough time to conduct all needed logistics. But trust me, I will, as on line payments simplify life for both of us 🙂. Payment is done based on the invoice. 

How much time in total do I need to invest ?

On top of 9 consecutive modules (~12.5 hours of formal lectures), you’ll on average need additional 30 minutes per week to deal with practical exercises in between modules, which is highly suggestible.

Is program more for active job seekers or already employed persons passively thinking of a better career?

Both. But, currently employed mid&top managers who passively seek for more adequate opportunity will in my oppinion be able to afford the needed invesment more easily abd extract the most of it.

Program packs & your investment

GOLD PACK - Best value for money

 -12.5 hours or practical & easily  implementable 1 to 1 lectures with a single aim - to equip you with all you need to reach a dream job ➡ 9 modules

 + practical tasks / homework in between modules

         🗣 1 hour of individual consulting sessions (regular free for individual consultations is 130 €/h)

        ⚖ Entrepreneurial potential test – to see if corporate world or entrepreneurial career now suits you better.

        Example report here.

- 1,5 h video step-by-step guide for active or passive job seeker's Linkedin profile optimization + 44 pages material to initially guide you through CV and motivation letter polishing. 


💰 Your investment: 1290 €

Payment shall be done before the start of our cooperation.


-12.5 hours or practical & easily  implementable 1 to 1 lectures  ➡ 9 modules

 + practical tasks / homework in between modules

🗣 2 hours of individual consulting sessions

🤝 me working with you all the way until you get that dream job (giving you security that I'll be at your disposal for any ad hock advice or support, until you find the dream job) 

🔎 Audit of your current CV, motivation letter & Linkedin profile - I'll highlight all key areas you need to upgrade, write you how exactly and share other client examples. We repeat this process until final versions are reached for all 3 items.

~1,5 h video step-by-step guide for active or passive job seeker's Linkedin profile optimization + 44 pages material to initially guide you through CV and motivation letter polishing. 

📝 MBTI® questionnaire for identifying your in-born strengths & development areas, stressors, communication preferences, ideal work setup etc. Example report here

💰 Your investment: 1890 €

Payment shall be done before the start of our cooperation.

Sounds like a plan - sign me in!

Applicants for the Career Catapult will be contacted ASAP. For any additional enquiries you may reach me at or via Whatsapp message at 

+385 99 211 8982. 🖐


Still want to check if we're a fit? 

Book a discovery call now